Wednesday, March 5, 2008


NumbersUSA Action Buffet
Why Do This?
This will go to the following congressional recipients:
Rep. Betty McCollum

Incredible as it may seem amidst talk of recessions, job cuts and stagnant wages, NumbersUSA's Capitol Hill Team continues to find evidence that Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi is negotiating a plan to give millions of U.S. jobs to foreign workers.

Pelosi's backroom deals appear to be motivated by fear that a group of freshmen Democrats may get most Republicans to help them force a vote on the enforcement-only SAVE Act (Secure America with Verification Enforcement)
. The SAVE Act -- with 147 (and counting) bi-partisan signers in the House and Senate -- primarily would drive millions of illegal aliens out of their jobs.

However, Pelosi is trying to ensure that if the bill comes to a vote it will include huge increases in H-2B and H-1B visas for foreign workers of all kinds. Furthermore, it will include millions of legal work permits for all the illegal aliens currently holding a job.

Nobody in Congress has a worse letter
grade (F-minus) than Nancy Pelosi when it comes to protecting American jobs, American wages and American working conditions from the downward pressures of massive immigration.

As the top ranking Democrat, she stands in stark contrast to most of the newly elected Democrats who have pledged to protect American workers and fight illegal immigration.

Unfortunately, Pelosi, the most radical Member of Congress on the immigration issue, is trying to using her power as Speaker of the House to cause even more damage on the most vulnerable of American workers and legal immigrant workers in this country.

Please contact your Democratic Member of Congress and express opposition to Speaker Pelosi's outrageous push for more foreign work visas.

Click here to double-check my address information!
Warn your Rep. that Speaker Pelosi is giving away U.S. jobs!
Ms Sharon Anderson PrivateAttorneyGeneral
VA Widow/Whistleblower
1058 Summit/PO Box4384, St. Paul, MN 55104
Phone 651-776-5835

Congresswoman Betty McCollum NumbersUSA Action Buffet:
1029 Longworth HOB, United States House of Representatives
Washington, DC 20515

Dear Representative McCollum:
I am troubled by Speaker Pelosi's back-room negotiations to increase foreign worker visas during this economic downturn.

Speaker Pelosi’s website states that Democrats are working to “make our economy fairer,” and she points to the Democratic party's efforts to raise the minimum wage. I suppose American workers can be grateful because if she has her way, more and more of us will be earning the minimum wage. Her proposal to allow businesses to keep their illegal workers and import millions of new foreign workers is designed to depress wages and limit opportunities for working-class Americans and immigrants.

Speaker Pelosi's website also states that Democrats will grow our economy by promoting bipartisan immigration reform “that secures our border, strengthens our economy, protects American workers and fixes our broken system.” To Speaker Pelosi, this means extending a visa to illegal workers that are here now, and flooding the labor market with foreign workers resulting in more competition with existing workers and drive down wages.

We are in an economic downturn and wages have been stagnant or falling for years. The only Americans who benefit from the mass importation of labor are CEO’s and wealthiest 4.4 percent of America – everyone else loses. Speaker Pelosi is working to expedite the shrinking middle class, and creating a permanent peasant class in the process. This will be the legacy that the 110th Congress leaves our children and grandchildren.

Ironically, Speaker Pelosi is willing to fight her own party to bulldoze the American Dream for millions of workers and their families. There already exists a Democratic-led bi-partisan effort to “secure the border, strengthen our economy, protect American workers and fix our broken [immigration] system.” The SAVE Act (H.R. 4088) actually protects American workers by cracking down on employers who gain an unfair advantage by hiring illegal workers.

If Democrat Members of the House want to help American workers, they can start by rejecting Speaker Pelosi’s plan for extra foreign worker visas and help pass Heath Shuler’s SAVE Act, which would put American jobs back in the hands of Americans.


Ms Sharon Anderson
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